Server installation#

There are different ways to install DigiAgriApp server, it is suggested to use Podman/Docker solution but if you cannot do it there is the native installation.

Running with Podman#

Podman is a software to manage containers, pods and images, it can run on different platform including Linux, Windows and Mac. Its power is that you can run it as normal user instead of an administrator of the computer/server.


Install dependencies:

  • Podman

  • Podman-compose

  • Git

Debian < 12#

apt install git podman python3-pip
pip3 install podman-compose

Debian >= 12#

apt install git podman podman-compose

Ubuntu < 24#

sudo apt install git podman python3-pip
sudo pip3 install podman-compose

Ubuntu >= 24#

sudo apt install git podman podman-compose


First clone the DigiAgriApp server repository

git clone

Next steps is to run the Podman service, this is required to run podman containers, remember to start the Podman service with the user that you will use to run DigiAgriApp containers (we suggest to not run as root user)

podman system service --time=0 unix:///run/user/1000/podman.sock

/run/user/1000/podman.sock is the path to the Podman socket, you can use any path where the user can write; this path will be used later in the configuration. As socket you can also use TCP url.

At this point enter in the docker folder inside digiagriapp-server directory and now it is possible to build the needed images with

podman-compose -f compose.yml build

Finally you can start the containers; using DOCKER_SOCK=/run/user/1000/podman.sock we are telling to Podman to use the Podman socket created before

DOCKER_SOCK=/run/user/1000/podman.sock podman-compose -f compose.yml up -d

You can also modify permanently the socket changing the compose.yml file. The are some lines to change, using Podman it is required to modify




At this point you should be able to reach DigiAgriApp server admin panel using a browser and going to https://digiagriapp.containers.localhost:8443/agriadm

Running in production with Let’s encrypt#

When you use this solution in production you need also to change some other lines in the compose.yml file:

  • remove the test container

  • remove this line --certificatesresolvers.myresolver.acme.caserver=

  • replace the host name digiagriapp.containers.localhost with your address

Running in production with your own SSL certificate#


Running with Docker#

Docker is a platform for developing, shipping and running application using containers. It’s similar to Podman but it is run as administrator.


Install dependencies:

  • Docker

  • Docker-compose

  • Git


sudo apt install git docker docker-compose


First clone the DigiAgriApp server repository

git clone

Enter in the docker folder inside digiagriapp-server folder and it is possible can build the needed images and start all the needed services

docker-compose -f compose.yml build
docker-compose -f compose.yml up -d

Running in production#

Please refer to the previous Podman Running in production section

Running with native installation#

With this solution you don’t use any container and install all the needed software on your machine.


Install dependencies:

  • Python 3 >= 3.7

  • PostgreSQL

  • PostGIS

  • Proj4

  • GDAL

  • redis

  • Git


apt install git proj-bin python3 postgresql postgis gdal-bin libproj-dev libgeos-dev libpq-dev redis


sudo apt install git proj-bin python3 postgresql postgis gdal-bin libproj-dev libgeos-dev libpq-dev redis

First steps#

Please clone the DigiAgriApp server repository

git clone

Set two needed environment variables to download and install the correct Python GDAL and Proj version. To get the Proj version run in the command line proj. For Proj please refer to the compatibility matrix table, for example if you have Proj 8.2.1 you can set PROJ_VER=”3.4.1”

export GDAL_VER=`gdal-config --version`
export PROJ_VER="3.4.1"

Enter in the directory and create the Python environment, activate it and install the needed libraries

cd digiagriapp-server
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Create the database, you can choose between different ones but we really suggest to use PostgreSQL with the PostGIS extension.

createdb digiagri
psql -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis" digiagri
psql -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis_raster" digiagri

Make a copy of src/DigiAgriApp/ file, rename it to src/DigiAgriApp/, and set up the right parameters for PostgreSQL user and MQTT if you need it.

At this point initialize the database

python src/ makemigrations core data experiment field infrastructure irrigation machinery maintenance observation operation plant production remotesensing treatment waste
python src/ migrate


Run Django app#

python src/ runserver

Each time you execute the file make sure you activated the python environment

create admin user for digiagriapp#

python src/ createsuperuser

Run Celery#

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='DigiAgriApp.settings' celery -A DigiAgriApp worker -l INFO

Production with uwsgi#

Django configuration#

Install uwsgi library

pip install uwsgi

Modify the ini file, to fix the full paths

vim src/digiagriapp.ini

Create the log directory

mkdir log

Run uwsgi

uwsgi src/digiagriapp.ini

To look the log you can use tail command

tail -f log/uwsgi.log

To be exposed to internet you need a HTTP server like Apache or NGIX

Celery configuration#

Copy the service template to the right systemd folder and modify it fixing all the paths

sudo cp src/conf/template_celery.service /etc/systemd/system/

Copy the Celery configuration file from the template template_celery.conf and fix the paths

cp src/conf/template_celery.conf src/conf/celery.conf

Start the celery system with

sudo systemctl start celery.service

If you facing problem starting Celery you can try inside the src folder