Admin panel#

The admin panel give to the users of a farm the complete access to the database, where it can add, modify or delete data; according to their permissions.

Managers can access with it’s own username and password at the Administration admin panel through the login page

If everything is correct you will be inside the root of admin panel; on the left you can find most of the database’s tables

Selecting one table, the list of records will appear in the main space of the page

In the pages with the list of elements you can execute some operations through the buttons in the top right or the select box. Common operations are: add new element, import several elements using CSV file, download in CSV format the selected elements, delete the selected elements.

Clicking on a singular element you enter into the page where you will be able to modify all the fields of that element, for some tables you can also execute some operations, for example in the case of field you can import plants of that field using a CSV file

Filter and special action#

In some tables you can find filters and special actions this helps user to work with data, it is possible to improve or add this actions and filters working on the server source code.

Users’ groups#

DigiAgriApp provide some default groups to give special rights to different users, admin user can manage this in the Authentication and Authorization -> Groups section.

You can modify existing group or adding new one. You have to add a name for the group and assign the permission to the group moving the Available permissions into the Chosen Permission, for each table you can assign View, Add, Change and Delete permission.