How to use the app#
You have set up the application and visualized all the farms you have access to. At this point you can select a farms and load all the fields of that farm, in the list mode (button ). You can select a field clicking on button of the selected row.
You can also visualize all the fields in map mode clicking the button . You can select a field clicking inside the polygon of the selected field.
With button you can move to the tab containing the list of machineries related to that farm. These could be useful when you save information about field’s operations or treatments.
With button you enter in the experiment session where you can manage experiments on individual plants in your field.
Selecting one field, from the field’s map or list, you are now in the field page into the Info
From this window you can move to all the other tabs where you can see and manage all the information stored in the app using the bottom toolbar. Each icon will bring the user to a list view with all the records for the selected elements.
Let’s take a closer look at each individual toolbar icon:
it is the default tab where you can see the map and general information of your element
in this tab you can see and add images
in this tab you can see charts of station and remote sensing data
in this tab you can see and manage materials
in this tab you can see and manage irrigations
in this tab you can see and manage operations (like pruning, grass cutting, etc..)
in this tab you can see and manage observations
in this tab you can see and manage measures
in this tab you can see and manage treatments
in this tab you can see and manage subfields
in this tab you can see and manage rows
in this tab you can see and manage singular plants
For example clicking on button it will show a list of the measures connected to the selected field or subfield.
In each list view in the top right corner there is a button to add new record. A new form will appear
Once all the needed form fields are filled it is possible save the record clicking on the save button .