App installation#

Compiled version#


To install the DigiAgriApp client in your Android device the best option is to install it from f-droid, f-droid is an alternative Free and Open Source app catalogue to Play Store. You need to install f-droid on your device first and later from f-droid app you can search and install DigiAgriApp. In this way you will be informed every time a new version is released.

Otherwise you can download last version from DigiAgriApp f-droid website, but you need to check for updates by your self.

Other operative systems#

On our Gitlab repository you can find the executable for most of the operative systems, the link is inside each tag of the tag info list

Compile by yourself#

To compile the DigiAgriApp client for your device you need first flutter installed on your PC, read this documentation for more info. When flutter is ready you need to get the source code

git clone

At this point it is possible to enter into the digiagriapp_mobile folder and compile the app according to your favourite operative system

# android
flutter build apk --build-name=0.3.0

# linux
flutter build linux --build-name=0.3.0

# windows
flutter build windows --build-name=0.3.0

The output executable will be in the build folder. For more info about Flutter compilation read the documentation for Linux, MacOS, Windows, iOS and Web