
In the setting section you can set up different aspect of the app. The are different sections:

  • Login to manage the information about the login

  • Visualization to manage most of the settings related to app appearance

  • Camera to manage camera setting

Visualization settings#

Add background map#

To add a new background map you need to select Add custom map in the combo box, at this point a new windows will appear

When you fill all the fields and click on OK button a new record will appear in the combo box.


Sometimes the services not work properly, if it will not show up check that all parameters are correct.


You can choise the language between the available ones, default language is English. If you are interested to add new language please refer to translation page

Camera settings#

It is possible to set:

  • the camera resolution, you can choose between low, medium and high; this will effect the time of upload and the size of the image; the preferred values should be high

  • the frame used by the tool to detect insect, the width and height values should be the real dimensions of the trap

  • the band of your camera, usually RGB is the right choise but if you have any filter or special camera on your device you can change the band type value. If you want to add new band type please refer to how to add data or contact the server administrator of your DigiAgriApp server instance.