
Using the app in a mobile hardware (smartphone or pad) it is possible to upload images of your field or plant in the database and see them directly from the app.

Classic images#

Since the first version of DigiAgriApp mobile app it is possible to upload images from the gallery. Move to image window using the button and click on icon.

AI images#

Since version 0.3.0 the first AI functionality was added.


Internet connection is required to work with this functionality

From the left side menu clicking on the hamburger icon it is possible to select the Detect insect in trap. The AI model is able to reconize this two insects in yellow sticky traps. The used traps were yellow with a dimension of 24x9 centimeters, so different traps could not work properly specially with different color.

First you need to set the right parameters in the camera settings:

  • set the camera resolution to High

  • set the size of the frame with the width and height of the trap in centimeters

At this point you can take a picture fitting the trap inside the frame you see on your screen.

After you took the picture a button toolbar in bottom right side.

Let’s see what the different button do:

  • the will take a new picture

  • the button it will upload the entire image

  • the it will upload the cropped image (this is the preferred button for the AI model)

  • the will discard the image